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Name and Title | Contact | Teaching Locations |
John Akins, TCAT Diploma. Industrial Maintenance/Molding Instructor |
(731)410-7951 jakins@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Veronica Allen-Broadnax, M.A. Administrative Office Technology Instructor |
(901)538-6179 veronica.allen-broadnax@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Larry Autry, M.B.A. Industrial Electricity Instructor |
(731)300-1711 lautry@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Patricia Avent, B.S. Computer Information Technology Instructor |
(901)341-4676 patricia.avent@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Michael Badger, TCAT Diploma Dual Enrollment Welding Instructor - Lake County High School |
michael.badger@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Christy Bailey, A.S.N. Practical Nursing Instructor (Evening) |
(731)313-7139 christy.bailey@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Loretta Barnes, Medical Assistant Student Support Associate |
loretta.barnes@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Jason Binkley, M.B.A. Student Support Specialist |
(731)300-1661 jason.binkley@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Patricia Bryant, H.S. Diploma Custodial |
Christina Buckner Adult Education Lead Instructor/Career Coach |
christina.buckner@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Rob Burg, H.S. Diploma Student Success Specialist |
(731)513-5057 rob.burg@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Teresa Cantrell, B.S. Dental Assisting Instructor |
(901)538-6186 teresa.cantrell@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Amanda Capps, B.S.N. Practical Nursing Instructor |
(731)298-0881 acapps@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Phillip Cheek Automotive Technology Instructor |
phillip.cheek@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Craig Clay, B.A. Education Part-Time Adult Ed Instructor |
craig.clay@tcatnorthwest.edu | |
Beverly Clay, M.B.A. Administrative Support Specialist |
(731)298-0983 bclay@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Billy Clay, Jr., A.S. Part-Time HiSet Examiner |
(731)300-6161 billy.clay@tcatnorthwest.edu |
John Cloar, H.S. Diploma Industrial Maintenance/Mechatronics Instructor |
(731)298-0650 jcloar@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Nicholas Cobb, Master Educator Barbering Barbering Instructor |
nicholas.cobb@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Bridgette Cobb, B.S.N. Practical Nursing Instructor |
(731)298-0994 bridgette.cobb@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Sara Cooper, B.S. Corrections Program Coordinator |
(731)512-5017 sara.cooper@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Tyler Cox, TCAT Diploma Industrial Maintenance Evening Instructor |
(901)538-6395 tyler.cox@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Shalonda Craig, MBA Part-Time Adult Education Evening Instructor |
shalonda.craig@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Tammy Adams, A.S.N. Practical Nursing Instructor (Evening Program) |
(731)410-7829 tammy.adams@tcatnorthwest.edu |
James Daniels, B.S. Welding Instructor |
(731)410-7841 jdaniels@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Kanisha Dawson, B.B.A Academic Student Support Associate |
(901)538-6106 kanisha.dawson@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Jimmy Dawson, HVAC Certification Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Instructor |
(901)538-6332 jimmy.dawson@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Danny Echols, TCAT Diploma Welding Instructor |
(731)313-7193 danny.echols@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Kadedra Evans, B.S.N. Practical Nursing Instructor |
kadedra.evans@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Aaron Evans, TCAT Diploma Industrial Maintenance Mechatronics Instructor |
(731)627-2511 aaron.evans@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Jacob Fast, B.S. of Agriculture Digital Agronomy/Farming Operations Technology Instructor |
731-300-6418 jacob.fast@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Dr. James Frakes, Ed.D. Vice President of Academic Affairs |
731-410-7914 jfrakes@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Curtis Freeman CTE Outreach Specialist |
curtis.freeman@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Andrea Gammon, B.S.W. GIVE 2.0 Project Director |
(731)513-5052 andrea.gammon@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Thomas Gitchell, State Tech Certificate Building Construction Technology Instructor - West Tennessee State Penitentiary |
(731)738-5044 thomas.gitchell@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Doyle Hamilton, TCAT Diploma Welding Technology Instructor |
(901)545-3163 dhamilton@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Joseph Hardin, A.S. Machine Tool Technology Dual Enrollment Instructor |
(731)627-2511 joseph.hardin@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Leticia Harris, B.S.N. Practical Nursing Instructor |
(731)300-1760 lharris@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Amanda Heath, B.A. Vice President of Student Affairs |
(901)538-6104 amanda.heath@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Ashlee Henderson, B.S. Dual Enrollment Coordinator |
(901)538-6110 ashlee.henderson@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Marshall Hendren, TCAT Diploma Hybrid Electric Vehicle Instructor |
(901)538-6310 marshall.hendren@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Austin Hopper, B.S. Farming Operations Technology Instructor at Northwest Correctional Complex |
(731)410-7974 austin.hopper@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Ricky Horton, A.A.S. Computer Information Technology Instructor at Northwest Correctional Complex |
(731)410-7973 ricky.horton@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Keith Hulme, TCAT Diploma Industrial Maintenance Instructor |
(731)410-7984 khulme@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Marcy Johnson, TCAT Certificate Financial Support Specialist |
(731)300-1872 mjohnson@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Debra Johnson, Business Administrative Certification Academic/Student Support 6 |
(901)538-6112 debra.johnson@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Dr. Youlanda Jones, Ed.D. President |
(731)410-7781 yjones@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Mark Jones, H.S. Diploma Dual Enrollment Welding Instructor - Dyer County High School |
(731)627-2511 mark.jones@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Terrance Kempfer, TCAT Diploma Diesel Powered Equipment Instructor |
(731)410-7939 terrance.kempfer@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Lacey Kiestler Part-Time Dual Enrollment Welding Instructor CCHS |
lacey.kiestler@tcatnorthwest.edu | |
Andrew King, B.S in Business Administration Student Support Associate / Admissions |
(731)644-7411 andrew.king@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Candida Lewis, Occupational Therapy Aid Diploma Financial Aid Specialist |
(731)627-2511 candida.lewis@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Erica Lippard, L.P.N. Patient Care Technology/Medical Assisting |
(731)298-0805 erica.lippard@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Jeffrey Luther, CDL Truck Driving Instructor |
(731)410-7979 jeffrey.luther@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Monica Mack, M.S. Adult Education Program Director |
(731)300-2428 monica.mack@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Grace Martin, TCAT Diploma Career Pathways Specialist |
(901)538-6127 grace.martin@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Donald Max, TCAT Diploma Industrial Maintenance Instructor (Day) |
(901)538-6492 donald.max@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Holly McCall, Surgical Tech Certificate Administrative Assistant to the President |
Ext. (731)201-1902 holly.mccall@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Jennifer McClain Financial Support/Accounts Payable Specialist |
(731)298-0476 jennifer.mcclain@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Vicki Moody, A.S. Cosmetology Day Instructor |
(731)513-5030 vicki.moody@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Tiffany Nance, MBA Part-time Adult Education Instructor for the Bells/Crockett County |
tiffany.nance@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Kenneth Neville, TCAT Certificate Industrial Maintenance Automation Instructor |
(731)300-2325 kenneth.neville@tcatnorthwest.edu |
William Ozment, HVAC Certification HVAC/R Technology Instructor |
(731)410-7959 william.ozment@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Matthew Parker Welding Instructor Assistant |
Steven Payment, TCAT Diploma Part-time HiSet Chief Examiner |
steven.payment@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Jeanie Payment, TCAT Diploma Computer Information Technology Instructor |
(731)410-7963 jpayment@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Letasha Payton, Office Professional Certification Adult Education Paraprofessional |
(731)300-6136 letasha.payton@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Wendi Petges, TCAT Diploma Academic/Student Support II |
(731)300-6078 wpetges@tcatnorthwest.edu |
William Plunk, H.S. Diploma Industrial Maintenance/Mechatronics Evening Instructor |
(731)644-7366 wplunk@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Vicky Prater, A.S.N. Practical Nursing Instructor |
(731)410-7769 vicky.prater@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Todd Reeder, H.S. Diploma Digital Agronomy/Farming Operations Technology Instructor |
(731)313-7179 todd.reeder@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Sharon Russell, A.S. Pharmacy Technology Instructor |
sharon.russell@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Andrew Sanders, M.S. Adult Education Adult Education Remote Instructor |
andrew.sanders@tcatnorthwest.edu | |
Krystal Scheetz-Weldon Academic Student Support Specialist |
(731)627-2511 krystal.weldon@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Christopher Sherron, MT Certificate Machine Tool Instructor |
(731)410-7914 christopher.sherron@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Brandon Sherron, CDL Truck Driving Instructor |
(731)644-7367 brandon.sherron@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Chad Sipes, B.S. Building Construction Technology Instructor |
(731)627-2511 chad.sipes@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Erika Smith, B.S.N. Director of Nursing and Allied Health |
(731)410-7182 esmith@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Latia Smith, TCAT Diploma Financial Support Specialist |
(901)538-6096 latia.smith@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Amy Stephens, B.S. Records and Reporting Coordinator |
(731)298-0748 astephens@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Shannon Stewart, D.B.A. Computer Aided Design Instructor |
(731)410-7221 shannon.stewart@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Shirley Taylor Custodian |
shirley.taylor@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Daniel Taylor, M.S. Ed. Vice President of Instruction and Development |
(731)410-7944 daniel.taylor@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Moneka Temple-Bonds, B.S., Master Educator Barbering & Cosmetology Cosmetology Instructor/Cosmetology Instructor Training |
(731)410-7193 mbonds@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Michelle Walker, M.B.A. Adult Education Assistant Director/Lead Instructor |
(731)300-2326 michelle.walker@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Shane Wallace Dual Enrollment Welding Instructor - Ripley High School |
shane.wallace@tcatnorthwest.edu | |
Heather Walters, AAS Computer Information Technology Corrections Instructor West Tennessee State Penitentiary |
heather.walters@tcatnorthwest.edu |
John Weaver, Automotive Technician Diploma Automotive Technology Instructor |
(901)538-6184 john.weaver@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Dottye Webb, M.S. Lead Student Services Coordinator |
(731)313-7199 dottye.webb@tcatnorthwest.edu |
McKenzie Webb Computer Information Technology Instructor |
(731)252-4056 mckenzie.webb@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Jeffrey Welch, High School Diploma Dual Enrollment Welding Instructor - Halls High School |
jeffrey.welch@tcatnorthwest.edu | |
Jeffrey Welch Dual Enrollment Welding Instructor - Halls High School |
jeffrey.welch@tcatnorthwest.edu | |
Barbara Westerfield, B.A. Adult Education Paraprofessional |
barbara.westerfield@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Ginger Wilson Student Support Assistant |
ginger.wlson@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Randy Wolf, H.S. Diploma Facilities Support Associate |
(731)410-7938 rwolf@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Teresa Yates, TCAT Diploma Financial Associate Support 7 |
(731)513-5027 teresa.yates@tcatnorthwest.edu |
Allen Zarecor, TCAT Diploma HVAC/R Instructor |
(731)410-7915 george.zarecor@tcatnorthwest.edu |