Student Handbook

Student Services, Policies, & Procedures

Student Records

Student Files

A permanent file is maintained on each current and former student who has enrolled in Tennessee College of Applied Technology. Each permanent student education record will contain a minimum of the following information: 1) academic records; 2) student disciplinary files; 3) matters related to student discipline, pursuant to TBR policy, SW-U02. Other records pertaining to students are maintained and/or destroyed as provided in TBR policy  

The Tennessee College of Applied Technology complies with FERPA (20 U.S.C. §1232g) and the Tennessee Open Records Act (T.C.A. §10-7-501 et seq.) and maintains student education records as confidential documents except as provided by those statutes and their enabling regulations. The TCAT also complies with the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act: Security Information Program guidelines as well as T.C.A. §47-18-2101 et seq. governing the protection of all nonpublic financial information as well as required notifications to consumers in the event of unauthorized access to confidential information.

Students may request access to review and/or obtain copies of their student education records by contacting the Student Services Office at their institution.

Student Record Confidentiality

All student records are confidential in accord with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C.-§1232g and T.C.A. §10-7-504. (See also TBR Guideline S-020 on confidentiality of student records). Confidential student record information generally may not be disclosed without the written consent of the student. Consent to release forms and information regarding disclosure procedures may be obtained from the Student Services Office.


Student Notification of Rights - Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Students of the Tennessee College of Applied Technology have specific rights under FERPA, as well as the related regulations of the Department of Education. This law and the regulations provide that a student has a right to inspect and review their education records. Requests will be honored within 45 days of the day the Tennessee College of Applied Technology receives a request for access. Students should submit a written request to the Student Services Coordinator or designee, identifying the record(s) they wish to inspect. The student will be notified of the date and time when the records will be available for inspection.

As per both FERPA and TBR Guideline S-020, a student may request that any record be amended if the student believes it is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of privacy rights. To request an amendment, the student must write the Student Services Coordinator or designee and clearly identify the part of the record they want changed and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the College decides not to amend the record, the student will be notified of his/her rights to a school hearing. Additional information regarding hearing procedures will be provided to the student at that time.


Other Possible Bases for Release of Student Records

FERPA and Subpoenas

The Tennessee College of Applied Technology may be required to disclose information pursuant to a court order or lawfully issued subpoena. The Tennessee College of Applied Technology must make a reasonable effort to notify the student of the order or subpoena in advance of compliance, so that the parent or eligible student may seek protective action, unless the court or issuing agency has prohibited such disclosure.

FERPA and Health Records 45 CFR Part 160; 45 CFR Part 162; 45 CFR Part 164

The Institution's Office of Disability Services (ODS) normally obtains and maintains health records for each student who applies for accommodations, services, or waivers. If a health record is used to decide regarding a student’s education program, the health record is an education record. In that case the normal FERPA confidentiality provisions apply.

FERPA and Health and Safety Exemption 34 CFR 99.31(a)(10) & 34 CFR 99.36

A health and safety exception permits the disclosure of personally identifiable information from a student’s record in case of an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or other individuals. The school discloses personally identifiable information from an education record to appropriate parties in connection with a health or safety emergency if knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals.

FERPA and the Patriot Act:

In response to the terrorist attacks on the United States that took place on September 11, 2001, Congress made changes to FERPA. Section 507 of the USA Patriot Act amended FERPA, which now contains 16 exceptions to the general rules. Public Law 107-56; DCL April 12, 2002. The Tennessee College of Applied Technology complies with the changes made to FERPA because of the USA Patriot Act as outlined in DCL April 12, 2002.

Students may report violations of FERPA or submit questions about FERPA matters to the Tennessee College of Applied Technology. Complaints or requests for information about FERPA and the Tennessee College of Applied Technology’s policies related to student records may do so by contacting Student Services. Additional information may be found at:

Tennessee Board of Regents
1 Bridgestone Park
Nashville, TN 37214
Policy 3:02:03:00 Confidentiality of Student Records

A student also has the right to file a complaint with the U. S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the Tennessee College of Applied Technology to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U. S. Department of Education

400 Maryland Ave. S. W.
Washington, DC 20202-4605
Phone: 202-260-3887

Transcript of Academic Record

A transcript of training completed will be prepared and supplied to students upon request. All requests for transcript, including requests made to be mailed to employers or other education institutions must be made with a Transcript Release Form signed by the student. This release will expire when the request is finalized. Transcript requests typically takes no longer than 10 business days to process. Students with an encumbrance of $100 or greater will not be allowed to receive transcripts, awards, or to have transcripts sent to 3rd parties until that balance is settled or unless the transcript is to be sent to another TBR institution and the student has entered into a written agreement to satisfy the outstanding debt or obligation owed to the College issuing the certificate of credit or official transcript. The receiving institution will not release an award or transcript until the encumbrance is paid to the Tennessee College of Applied Technology. The College will keep a permanent record of training. Any student who changes his/her name or address should notify the main office so that accurate records may be maintained.

High School Transcripts and GED and HiSet Scores

GED and HiSET scores and transcripts may be required upon admission to a program and will be stored in the student file.

Attendance Policy

A. The nature of the programs at the Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology is such that it is necessary for every student to attend regularly. Excessive interruptions due to absences will have an adverse effect on student progress.

1. A full-time student enrolled for a full term (432 hours) and that has been absent for more than 5.5% (24 hours) of the scheduled hours enrolled, will receive written communication alerting the student to the number of hours remaining prior to suspension. Available community and institutional resources will be shared to assist students with attendance issues. The number of hours of absence triggering notification must be prorated for all part-time students and full-time students enrolled for less than a full term.

2. When a full-time student enrolls for a full term (432 hours) and has absences exceeding 9.7% (42 hours) of the scheduled hours enrolled, that student will be suspended. A student suspended for attendance may appeal the suspension in writing to the president (or their designee) within three (3) days of receiving notification of the suspension. A student appealing suspension of attendance may remain in class until the suspension has been reviewed. The number of hours triggering suspension must be prorated for all part-time and full-time students enrolled for less than a full term.

3. A student is considered absent if not in the classroom at the designated start time or if the student leaves class early, prior to dismissal. Absences due to tardiness or leaving early will be recorded as follows: 

  • 1 to 15 minutes will be counted as .25 of an hour
  • 16-30 minutes will be counted as .50 of an hour
  • 31-45 will be counted as .75 of an hour
  • 46-60 will be counted as one hour

4. Multiple tardies or instances of leaving class early prior to dismissal will result in the following discipline: 

  • Five (5) tardies or 5 early departures: Student will be given a written warning by instructor.
  • Six (6) tardies or 6 early departures: Student will be placed on probation by the student services coordinator.
  • Seven (7) tardies or 7 early departures: Student will be referred to the president (or their designee) and may be suspended.

5. An attendance record for each student shall be maintained in the student information system.

B. When a student misses three (3) consecutive days without contacting the college, that student may be presumed to have withdrawn from the college.




Make-Up Hours

Make-up hours are not permitted except as a reasonable accommodation permitted pursuant to procedures applicable in specific situations, e.g. pregnant students, or certain documented disabilities.

Exempt Absences

Students who are members of the Reserve or National Guard and who are required to serve two weeks active duty each year will be permitted to do so. In such cases, the student will be granted leave for the period of active duty. VA certifications for such students will be adjusted accordingly. These students should advise the school of their military schedule at the beginning of the term their active duty tour is scheduled. The student must provide the College with a copy of the official orders.

A student will be excused from classes for jury duty; however, a copy of the summons must be provided to the College as well as an excuse for each day from the court clerk.

Reporting Absences

All absences and tardiness are recorded in banner by the program instructor (or designee). Students should communicate with their instructor on the day(s) they cannot attend class and the reason for the absence. Students leaving class without authorization will be counted absent and may result in disciplinary action. False information pertaining to reasons for absences will be grounds for discipline.

Changes in Enrollment Status

After the census date, students receiving a WNTSG/TN PROMISE/TCAT RECONNECT award will normally not be allowed to change status during the term.  The census date is defined as the first day of the term or the first day of the student’s enrollment for the term. 

  • A student may be allowed to change status from full-time to part-time during the term only when there are documented medical or personal reasons. Such medical or personal reasons shall include, but not be limited to, illness of the student, illness or death of an immediate family member, extreme financial hardship of the student or student’s immediate family, or other extraordinary circumstances beyond the student’s control where continued full-time attendance by the student creates a substantial hardship.
  • Students may change status between terms prior to the census date.  However, approval for the change in status must be granted prior to registration.
  • Students must contact the Student Services Office to request a change in status.

If approved for a change in enrollment status, the amount of any financial award, including WNTSG/TNPROMISE/TCAT RECONNECT being received will be adjusted based on the revised scheduled hours for the term.  Any amount that the student owes for financial resources already received must be paid prior to the effective date of the change. 

If the Student Services Office denies a student’s request to change enrollment status, the student will need to determine if they will continue enrollment or withdraw from the institution. In the event of withdrawal and subsequent non-continuous enrollment, a student may appeal the loss of scholarship so long as they meet one of the requirements for appealing loss of state aid and submit appropriate supporting documentation.

Different rules may apply to service members.  See TBR Policy, Admission, Enrollment, and Readmission of Service Members.

Involuntary Withdrawal Policy (Automatic)

Any student who is absent from class for three days without notification to the program instructor will be withdrawn from class per TBR policy 2:03:01:05. On the day following the third no call no show absence; the instructor will complete the required termination procedure and notify the Student Services Office.

Appropriate school personnel will process the withdrawal. The Business Office will determine Return of Title IV Aid Calculation, TBR Refund Calculation and notification of withdrawal to required outside agencies. Should the student return to class after an automatic withdrawal has been processed, the student will be required to complete a new application for enrollment.


Voluntary Withdrawal Policy

Every student should talk with his/her instructor and the counselor before voluntarily terminating his/her training or withdrawing from enrollment at the Tennessee College of Applied Technology. The procedure to terminate/withdraw is:

  1. Talk with your instructor. Explain why you are leaving and what your plans are for the future.
  2. Complete an Exit Interview and turn your ID badge in at the Student Services Department if one was issued.
  3. If a student fails to complete an Exit Interview, the Student Services staff will send the information to the student. This information is very important for COE, U.S. Department of Education, and TBR reporting.
  4. Students may owe refunds for financial assistance programs if they do not complete the hours scheduled during the term they terminate/withdraw. An interview with the Financial Aid Office is recommended prior to termination/withdrawal to determine any applicable financial penalties.

Visitors on Campus

While visitors and guests are welcome on campus, the welfare and safety of the entire student body and the maintenance of its academic programs MUST be placed above all else. All visitors and guests should report directly to the main office to sign in and receive a visitor's badge, which is always to be worn while on campus. Tennessee College of Applied Technology faculty and staff are aware that many of its students are both students and parents and that there are often complicating factors that impact these two roles. However, the Tennessee College of Applied Technology does not permit children who are minors, except those who are enrolled as students or participating in educational programs or activities sponsored by the College, to be on the campus without notice to, and permission from, the Tennessee College of Applied Technology Administration. A child is anyone who is birth to 17 years of age. Any visitor who brings or invites children to campus MUST maintain custody of the children while on campus and is responsible for the behavior and safety of the children while at the Tennessee College of Applied Technology. All visitors will be provided safety glasses when visiting a shop area.

When a violation of this policy is observed, the Student Services Office should be contacted. It is the responsibility of this office to assess the situation and, with the assistance of security, take appropriate action, which may include escorting the student, employee or guest, and children off-campus.

Release of Personally Identifiable Information

The Tennessee College of Applied Technology will obtain the student's written, signed consent before disclosing personally identifiable information about the student from their education records, unless release is pursuant to one of the exceptions provided by FERPA or its regulations. Students must execute a FERPA release form which gives the college permission to release information or to speak with others about matters contained in the student records as designated by the student. Students also have the option to execute consent forms authorizing the Tennessee College of Applied Technology to release student records to parents or other designated persons/entities. For information on the FERPA release form, visit the Student Services Office.


FERPA permits disclosure without consent to Tennessee College of Applied Technology officials with legitimate educational interests. A College official has a legitimate educational interest if the official is a person employed by the Tennessee College of Applied Technology or TBR in an administrative, supervisory, faculty, or staff position; a person or company with whom the school has contracted services; a member of the school's governing board; or, a student serving in an official capacity, such as student review hearings. Upon request, the school also discloses education records without student consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll, but will notify the student, if possible, of the request.

A school may also disclose personally identifiable information without student consent to the following parties:

  • U.S. Comptroller General, U.S. Attorney General, U.S. Department of Education
  • Authorized organizations conducting educational research
  • Accrediting agencies
  • Alleged victim of a crime
  • Parent of a Dependent Student as defined by the IRS
  • Parent of a student under 21 regarding the violation of a law regarding alcohol or drug abuse

FERPA also permits the disclosure of "Directory Information" without prior consent of a student. "Directory information" means information contained in an education record of a student which would NOT generally be considered harmful, or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Directory information includes:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Telephone listing
  • Course of study
  • Dates of attendance
  • Awards earned
  • Most recent previous institution attended

Other information of the type above specifically approved by the institution or school as acceptable directory information.

The Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology does not sell and generally does not distribute mailing lists of students to any person or entity except as mandated by certain federal laws for military recruiters. The Solomon Amendment requires the release of name, address, and date of birth to military recruiters upon their request.

Food Services

Vending machines is provided at all locations for use by students for scheduled breaks and lunches.

General Student Expectations

Utilization of Physical Facilities

Shops, laboratories, and equipment shall be used only for carrying out the instructional program of the school.

Students are responsible for the proper use and care of tools and equipment.

Organizations seeking to utilize designated Tennessee College of Applied Technology facilities must complete the Facilities Usage Application. This application must be submitted to the President or designee at least five (5) business days prior to the event. The President or designee will review the request and approve or deny it in writing, which may take the form of an email message. Denial of a Facilities Usage Request will include a statement of the basis for the denial. Please see the TBR policy 1:03:02:50 on facilities use.


Classroom and Shop Maintenance

Good housekeeping practices should always be followed. Trash must be picked up on site; tools, equipment, etc. should be kept in appropriate places-not on benches, machines, and floors when not in use. As an integral part of instruction, each student is expected to participate in housekeeping and cleanup activities at the conclusion of each day to maintain efficient, high-level training programs. Instructors and students are responsible for cleanliness and orderliness of classroom work areas at all times. Each program will establish a daily routine for cleaning and students are expected to carry out duties as assigned.

Responsibility for Tools, Equipment, and Property

Students are responsible for the proper use and care of tools, equipment, and other school property. Students responsible for loss of, or damage to, school property may be required to pay costs associated with that loss or damage. Students must report damaged equipment or facilities to the instructor as soon as detected.

Course Rules and Policies

Each training program has specific rules and class policies regarding conduct, dress, safety, break and lunch schedules, and course requirements. The instructor has charge of all course activities and will inform students of training expectations, including the purchase of books, supplies, tools, and uniforms.

Communication Devices

Telephones in the College offices are for College business only. Except for emergency situations, students will not be called from class to receive incoming calls. The College is not staffed to handle calls or take messages from family, friends, etc. Students must advise friends and family of this procedure. Students are not permitted to use office or classroom phones except for emergencies. Cell phone and other electronic devices should be silenced during training hours.

Dress Policy

The Tennessee College of Applied Technology is a technical training institution. Most employers will not employ persons with inappropriate appearances. Presenting a work-like and neatly dressed appearance makes the task of finding and securing employment much easier. The College's aim is to make the educational experience as much like a well-managed industrial establishment, business, or healthcare facility as possible.

Appropriate attire must be worn that is representative of what the industry requires in the workplace. Safety glasses are required in the shop areas, and loose clothing is prohibited when operating machinery. Appropriate dress is strongly encouraged and will be defined by your instructor. An important training goal for each student at the Tennessee College of Applied Technology is to develop a sense of personal pride in his or her appearance and chosen occupation. Students may be required to purchase certain prescribed clothing, such as shop suits, steel-toe boots, pants, shirts, uniforms, etc., for their training area. Students must wear shoes and clothes suitable for the area enrolled and keep them neat. Provocative or offensive clothing is prohibited on campus. Shorts are not allowed.

The evaluation of student worker characteristics will include student appearance as it relates to occupational/job requirements. Work and dress habits are an important part of any skilled craft person, technician, or office worker.

Student IDs

Students must always wear their Tennessee College of Applied Technology student photo identification badges while on campus. The badges cannot be issued without a student submitting a valid unexpired government-issued ID to verify identity. The badges must be displayed so that they are readily visible. To ensure the security of student data, a student ID badge or other valid unexpired government-issued ID must be presented to college staff in order to discuss student account/financial aid information or receive financial aid residual checks. If a student loses his or her student ID badge, the item must be reported as lost or stolen to Student Services during normal operating hours. A replacement fee must be paid and a receipt must be presented to school personnel before a new ID badge will be made. Upon termination from the Tennessee College of Applied Technology, students must return their ID badges to the Student Services office.

Student Conduct


Students are expected and encouraged to develop proper work habits and to maintain a sincere, cooperative attitude at all times.

Student Accountability/Conduct

Students are responsible for their own conduct, and violations of established rules and regulations may subject them to disciplinary measures or dismissal. Tennessee College of Applied Technology complies with the Tennessee Board of Regents Policy 3:02:00:01 General Regulations on Student Conduct and Disciplinary Sanctions.


Academic Integrity Policy

Tennessee College of Applied Technology operates under the premise of academic integrity. The policy prohibits plagiarism and other forms of academic cheating. It is the instructor's responsibility to create an environment in which academic integrity is expected. It is the student’s obligation to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with expectations for academic integrity. The full policy statement on Academic Integrity is set out in the TBR Student Conduct and Disciplinary Sanctions Policy.



Computer Operation and Internet Access Policy and Guidelines

All students acknowledge the Acceptable Use Policy for Information Technology each time they log on to a school computer. Compliance with this policy is necessary to ensure the security and performance of Tennessee College of Applied Technology computer resources and a proper learning environment. Strict adherence to this policy will prevent costly damage, need for equipment/system repairs, system downtime, and/or loss of computer privileges. The Tennessee College of Applied Technology’s Acceptable Use Policy.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Any person who violates this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.


Materials published by the Tennessee College of Applied Technology are protected by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The DMCA also requires that the institution inform all computer and network users that downloading of copyrighted material is prohibited. In addition, T.C.A §49-7-142 requires that the institution prohibit the infringement of copyrighted works using institutional resources. Any attempts to do so will result in appropriate disciplinary sanctions. Violations will result in corrective action by the appropriate institution office in accordance with applicable policy. Employees who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary measures imposed by their supervisor in conjunction with the institution's administration. Violations of local, state, or federal laws regarding unlawful access or use may be referred to the appropriate law enforcement officials for investigation and/or prosecution.

Copyright General Information

Copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code) to creators of "original works of authorship" including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and other published and unpublished works, when "fixed in a tangible form of expression." Protections last for the term of the author's life plus 50 years after death. It is illegal for anyone to violate any of the rights provided to the owner of a copyright. The Copyright Act (1976) contains provisions permitting the award of monetary damages against individuals who infringe on copyrighted material. In civil cases, the law allows the assessment of actual damages or statutory damages. For each infringement, statutory damages range from $250 to $10,000. Sections 107-118 of the Copyright Act also establish exempt uses of copyrighted materials and thus relief from liability. One major limitation is the doctrine of "fair-use" which is given statutory basis in Section 107 of the Act.

Patriot Act Notice to All Students

The U.S.A. Patriot Act authorizes law enforcement agencies, acting pursuant to a valid court order, to compel personnel to disclose otherwise confidential information about their student educational records, electronic communication including e-mail; their computer access of the internet and other network databases; and/or records of their telephone usage.

Traffic and Parking Rules

Faculty, students, and visitors are expected to comply with all campus parking and speed regulations as well as all state laws, and county and municipal ordinances governing traffic/parking in their locality. State and local law enforcement authorities will enforce those provisions on the Tennessee College of Applied Technology campuses. This policy is promulgated pursuant to, and in compliance with, Traffic and Parking:

The Tennessee College of Applied Technology reserves the right to tow any vehicle that is improperly parked or abandoned. Any fees associated with towing will be the responsibility of the owner/driver of the vehicle.



Disabled/Handicapped Parking Violations

Authority: Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-8-203

The fine for disabled/handicapped parking violations is established by State law and will increase, as needed, to remain in compliance with State law. This rule supersedes all rules or notices regarding fines for disabled/handicapped parking violations at any TBR Institution. The fine for disabled/ handicapped parking violation is $200.00 or as prescribed by state law.

Theft, Loss, or Damage to Motor Vehicles

The College is not responsible for the security of, loss, or damage to, any vehicle or its contents while on campus. Students are requested to report any incidents, unusual occurrences, or concerns regarding their vehicles on Tennessee College of Applied Technology property to the Tennessee College of Applied Technology administration.


Pursuant to T.C.A. §§39-17-1309 and 39-1751 and TBR Policy No. 7:01:00:00, possession of firearms on Tennessee College of Applied Technology property is generally prohibited. The permitless/constitutional carry legislation, T.C.A. § 39-17-1307(g), does NOT allow permitless/constitutional carry on TBR property. And may subject an individual to arrest/prosecution and/or disciplinary action, subject to the exceptions identified in TBR policy, which are summarized below:

1. Adult full-time employees who possess a valid handgun carry permit may possess a firearm on institutional property if;

a. The individual has registered with the law enforcement agency/agencies with jurisdiction over the campus, which is the employee’s regularly designated worksite,

b. The firearm is concealed on their person or within their immediate control, and

c. The individual does not disclose the fact that they are carrying a firearm to any person.

2. Adults, including students, employees, and visitors may store a firearm and/or ammunition in their motor vehicle if the handgun and/or ammunition is securely stored out of ordinary vision and is not handled by the adult or any other person, other than for purposes of complying with this policy, while the vehicle is on institution property.

3. Students may never carry or possess a firearm on Tennessee College of Applied Technology property unless specifically permitted by TBR Policy or a specific statutory exception.

4. The Tennessee College of Applied Technology will not take any adverse disciplinary action against any person for possession/carrying a handgun on institution property if they remain in compliance with T.C.A. §39-17-1309(e)(9), T.C.A. §39-17-1313, TBR policy, and Tennessee College of Applied Technology policy.

5. Violations of these laws and policies will result in the appropriate legal and disciplinary action. Please TBR policy, linked above, for more detail regarding the applicable laws and policy requirements regarding the possession of firearms on campus.


Drug-Free Campus and Workplace

In accordance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (Public Law 100-960) and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, the Tennessee College of Applied Technology prohibits the unlawful use, manufacture, possession, distribution, or dispensing of "controlled substances", as defined in the Controlled Substance Act, 21 U.S.C. 812, and alcohol on school property. All employees and students are subject to this Act. Any violation of this policy will result in appropriate disciplinary action.

Drug and Alcohol Prevention Information

The Tennessee College of Applied Technology Northwest's Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program addresses three major concerns:

  1. The maintenance of an environment in which students can learn and be safe,
  2. Help for students whose development or performance is threatened by abuse of drugs or alcohol, and
  3. The enforcement of policies and laws regarding possession or use of drugs or alcohol on campus.

What Is Addiction?

When a drug user cannot stop taking a drug even if s/he wants to, it is called addiction. The urge is too strong to control, even if you know the substance is causing harm.

Addiction is a chronic, often relapsing, brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences to the addicted individual and to those around him or her. Although the initial decision to use drugs or alcohol is voluntary for most people, the brain changes that occur over time challenge an addicted person's self-control and hamper his or her ability to resist intense impulses to use drugs or alcohol.

Addiction can become more important than the need to eat or sleep. The urge to get and use the drug can fill every moment of a person's life. The addiction replaces all the things the person used to enjoy. A person who is addicted might do almost anything-lying, stealing, or hurting people-to keep taking the drug. This could get the person arrested.

Addiction is a disease, just as diabetes and cancer are diseases. Addiction is not simply a weakness. People from all backgrounds, rich or poor, can get an addiction. Addiction can happen at any age, but it usually starts when a person is young.

Statement of Health Risks

Abusing drugs or alcohol interferes with the body's normal functioning. Because drugs directly affect many parts of the brain, abuse can lead to problems with learning, sleeping and emotional health. Abuse can also lead to permanent damage of vital organs such as the brain, heart and liver and be manifested by heart attack, stroke, blood clots, lung damage, liver damage, cancer, and sudden death.

Individuals who suffer from addiction often have one or more accompanying medical issues, including lung and cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, and mental disorders. Imaging scans, chest X-rays, and blood tests show the damaging effects of substance abuse throughout the body. For example, tests show that tobacco smoke causes cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx, blood, lungs, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, and cervix. In addition, some drugs of abuse, such as inhalants, are toxic to nerve cells and may damage or destroy them either in the brain or the peripheral nervous system.

Even small doses of drugs and alcohol can significantly impair judgment and coordination. This is especially true in a person's ability to safely drive a vehicle or operate other machinery. Moderate doses may increase incidents of aggressive acts like spouse or child abuse. High doses can cause respiratory depression and death.

Fetal alcohol syndrome is a common problem of babies and infants born to mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy. These infants can have mental retardation and irreversible physical abnormalities. Children born to alcoholic parents are at a greater risk of becoming alcoholics.

Sources: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute of Drug Abuse; Tennessee Code Annotated.

Prevention Assistance

Drug and alcohol addiction are preventable diseases. Effective education and outreach programs can lead to reduced instances of abuse. Abuse can be prevented if one never uses drugs.

It is the policy of the College to prohibit the illegal use, abuse, manufacture, possession, sale, or distribution of alcoholic beverages or any controlled substance, including any stimulant, depressant, narcotic, hallucinogenic drug or substance, or marijuana on College-owned, controlled, or leased property. Such use, solicitation, sale, or distribution is prohibited during any school-related activity, including off-campus trips. All students are subject to applicable federal, state, and local laws related to this matter. In addition, any violation of this policy will result in disciplinary actions as set forth in the Student Conduct Policy and Disciplinary Sanctions section of this Handbook. Students are also subject to arrest and prosecution by civil authorities for violation on campus.

College personnel will seek to identify abuse problems and provide immediate intervention and assistance. The College will assist any individual whose mental or physical health is threatened by the use or abuse of alcohol or drugs. The College counselor can refer individuals to community resource centers for abuse counseling and rehabilitation.

Following is a list of area resources:

Further information is available in the Student Services Coordinator's office.

Sanctions - Unlawful Possession or Distribution

The Tennessee College of Applied Technology and all Tennessee Board of Regents institutions have prohibitions against the possession and/or use of drugs and alcohol on property controlled by the Tennessee College of Applied Technology or while participating in a Tennessee College of Applied Technology sponsored program. (Please see disciplinary policies and procedures concerning student conduct listing in the Tennessee Board of Regents Policies (TBR) and Guidelines for Tennessee College of Applied Technology section of this handbook).

Various federal, state, and local statutes make it unlawful to manufacture, distribute, solicit, dispense, deliver, sell, or possess with intent to manufacture, distribute, solicit, dispense, deliver, or sell controlled substances. The penalty imposed depends upon many factors, which include the type and amount of controlled substance involved, the number of prior offenses, if any, whether death or serious bodily injury results from the use of such substance, and whether any other crimes were committed in connection with the use of such substance. Possible maximum penalties for a violation of federal/state laws prohibiting the use/distribution of drugs/alcohol include imprisonment, up to a term of life imprisonment, and fines in excess of $1 million. In addition, employees/students found to be in violations of federal or state laws regarding the use/distribution of drugs/alcohol may be subject to disciplinary action up to, and including, termination of employment or enrollment at the Tennessee College of Applied Technology.

Policy on Drug Screening

In addition to any program-specific policy, in compliance with the requirements of the Drug-Free Campus & Workplace Act and to maintain a safe environment conducive to both work and learning, the Tennessee College of Applied Technology specifically prohibits the unlawful use, manufacture, possession, distribution or dispensing of alcohol or illegal drugs, the misuse of legally prescribed or "over the counter" drugs or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs in its facilities and programs. Pursuant to this policy, and where "reasonable suspicion" exists that a student or employee is "under the influence" of alcohol or a controlled substance while on campus or engaged in any Tennessee College of Applied Technology related activity, the Tennessee College of Applied Technology may require that an individual to submit to a test to determine the presence of alcohol or controlled substances.

For the purposes of this policy, "reasonable suspicion" means suspicion based on specific and articulable facts, taken together with rational inferences from those facts that give rise to the conclusion that an individual is under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance(s). "Under the influence" means that an individual's judgment or motor coordination is impaired due to the presence or use of alcohol or a controlled substance(s), including prescription medication(s).

When it has been determined that a reasonable suspicion exists that an individual is under the influence of alcohol and/or a controlled substance, he/she may be required to submit to a test to determine whether the individual is actually under the influence. An individual who refuses to undergo testing when reasonable suspicion has been determined to exist, will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action under the applicable disciplinary policy. Additionally, any person who tests positive for being under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance(s) in violation of this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. The cost of reasonable suspicion drug testing is the responsibility of the individual being tested.

Smoking Policy

Pursuant to, and in supplement of, the laws of the State of Tennessee(T.C.A. § 49-7-135) and TBR Policy No. 1:07:00:10, the following smoking policy applies to all persons at TCAT Northwest:

Smoking will not be permitted in any administrative or faculty office, shop, classroom, school vehicle, or laboratory at any time. All smoking must be done in designated outside areas that are located at least 25 feet away from any entranceway or window(s). All buildings and the main breezeway between the shop areas are smoke-free environments. The use of electronic or e-cigarettes and smokeless tobacco will be treated the same as traditional tobacco products for purposes of this policy.

Persons violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including the termination of employment or enrollment at the TCAT. Visitors violating the policy will be asked to stop their violation. If a visitor refuses to comply with the policy after being instructed to stop will be escorted off the premises.


Student Services

Educational Counseling

The staff assists applicants in selecting an area of training based upon his/her abilities, interest, and goals.

Personal Counseling

The staff will provide individual counseling services to students who are experiencing personal, academic, attitude, or financial problems. The staff may recommend outside agencies specially trained to assist students in specific personal problems. All matters will be treated individually and on a confidential basis.

Career Counseling

Career guidance is the primary service offered to students by the Student Services Office to assist each applicant who desires or expresses an interest in pursuing a course of study in this College. Student Services personnel will assist the applicant in choosing a training program through an evaluation of the applicant's work experience, interests, test scores, and previous education.

Student Services personnel are responsible for guidance to those currently enrolled students who may decide to change their original career choice. In addition, the student may make personal problems or conflicts known to a member of the Student Services Office who will endeavor to help the student with alternatives to successfully solve or adjust to the problem. If appropriate or necessary, the student will be referred to an agency that has been established to meet specific needs of the individual. By providing career assessment, academic, and personal counseling, the Student Services Office functions for the benefit of helping applicants, students, and graduates to develop their employment potential and reach their intended career goals. Students need not have an appointment or schedule a specific time in advance, but in some cases, it is advisable. Instructors will cooperate with the students in allowing and encouraging the use of the Student Services Department.

Job Placement

Tennessee College of Applied Technology is dedicated to our graduates finding employment upon completion of training. The department maintains very close contact with industry and the state employment security office and can place a large percentage of students in employment upon completion of training. The placement of graduates is a primary concern of each instructor and College personnel. Also, the student must fully participate in the job-seeking process. Transcripts are available to the student or to agencies upon request. A transcript request form can be completed in the Student Services Department. Placement rates are continually evaluated and reported to our accrediting agency and the Tennessee Board of Regents. Placement rates are evaluated and utilized to monitor the effectiveness and continuation of all programs.


An effort is made to keep in touch with graduates after entering employment to determine their success and to make the training more relevant to the needs of new students and industries. All graduates are requested to keep the school informed as to their employment and any changes in employment. Surveys and student follow-up studies are made to determine if changes need to be made in meeting these needs. Employers, College personnel, and others are involved in follow-up efforts to assess and/or improve program curriculums and serving the needs of each student. It is very important for students, faculty, and staff to recognize the importance of all responses to follow-up surveys as a means of evaluating, improving, and funding the program offerings at the Tennessee College of Applied Technology. Graduates are normally considered for "entry-level" employment in their respective occupations. 

Limited English Proficiency

The Tennessee College of Applied Technology follows TBR policy in admission and delivery of services to those students with Limited English Proficiency (LEP). The Tennessee College of Applied Technology makes use of a language identification card to determine the language of LEP individuals who present themselves at a campus location seeking information. The institution is a subscriber to the state of Tennessee-contracted Linguistic International for outside interpreter service.

For a complete list of resources at that the Tennessee College of Applied Technology, please contact the Student Services Office.



This institution does not have a formal alumni organization. However, all graduates are considered Tennessee College of Applied Technology alumni and are encouraged to provide any feedback to the College as deemed appropriate and respond to follow-up forms as received. The College also encourages its alumni to provide community support to the College and visit the College periodically.

Student Life Activities

Student activity programs are designed to provide information and resources, which will assist students in career and life planning. The Student Services Department is always receptive to student suggestions and requests regarding any activities that students want to organize such as job fairs, health fairs, financial aid workshops, and professional development. All students are encouraged to participate in these planned activities.

Student Organizations

National Technical Honor Society

National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) is the acknowledged leader in the recognition of outstanding student achievement in career & technical education. Thousands of schools and Colleges are affiliated with the Society. Member schools agree that NTHS encourages higher scholastic achievement, cultivates a desire for personal excellence, and helps top students find success in today's highly competitive workplace.

Mission: To honor student achievement and leadership, promote educational excellence, and enhance career opportunities for the NTHS membership.

Vision: To be the leader in providing recognition for excellence in career and technical education and creating significant occupational opportunities for America's top workforce education students.


SkillsUSA is an applied method of competition and instruction for preparing America's high-performance workers in public career and technical programs. It provides quality education experiences for students in leadership, teamwork, citizenship, and character development. It builds and reinforces self-confidence, work attitudes and communications skills. It emphasizes total quality at work-high ethical standards, superior work skills, life-long education, and pride in the dignity of work. SkillsUSA also promotes understanding of the free-enterprise system and involvement in community service.

Mission: SkillsUSA's mission is to help its members become world-class workers, leaders, and responsible American citizens.